Pricing Details for India

Choose the Packages that suits you

Monthly Yearly

SME Pack

Starts From

900 INR/Yearly

GL Accounting with GAAP

Starts From

28703 INR /Yearly

(33% Reduction)

GL Accounting with IFRS

Starts From

65366 INR /Yearly

(33% Reduction)

Pensaki Pack

Starts From

1750 INR/ Yearly

Pensaki Wordsxtra With PDF Converter,
Clasico Payroll,
Omada HR Payroll,
Pensaki Vault Hosting (Photos & Video),
Email with anti spam security,
Project Manager,
IFRS and GAAP reporting with GL Accounting,
Invoicing 16.50 Mo – Pay Yearly,
Bitss C Secure Contact Form 16.50 Mo – Pay Yearly,
Bitss C Preselect Form 16.50 Mo – Pay Yearly

SME Pack

Starts From

INR / Monthly

GL Accounting with GAAP

Starts From

3570 INR/Monthly

(Pay Yearly)

GL Accounting with IFRS

Starts From

8130 INR /Monthly

(Pay Yearly)

Pensaki Pack

Starts From

1750 INR / Yearly

(Pay Yearly)


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